Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Trevor's First Sleepover

A few weekends back Trevor had his first sleepover. I cannot believe it is that time already. After a long week at vacation bible school, he had one friend over for the night. I had been out doing a little shopping for the better part of the evening. Needless to say, Rodney had his hands full with our four plus our guest. When I got home around 9:30 the boys were upstairs playing and watching TV. Rodney seemed to have everything under control. The boys had popcorn for a late snack and fell asleep around midnight. UUGH!! It was cute how they were sleeping up on their blankets on the floor, Trevor, Will, and Rylan, lined up side by side. When it was time to go to bed, although I was thoroughly exhausted, my heart was smiling. The next morning rolled around very quickly. At 730 the kids were all snickering. I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast which they greatly enjoyed. Unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperating so the boys were not able to swim. Instead they played corn hole in the garage. I really think they enjoyed themselves, what do you think?

With four children, I believe our future will be full of nights like this. I am looking forward to every single one of them.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finally A Post!

OK, OK, so I have practically been threatened to post to my blog. I have to admit, it has been a long time. So here is a little note to suffice my dear friend! The summer has flown by! I can't believe the boys will be returning to school in a month. While I am glad they will be going, it is sad that the years just keep flying by. The beginning of school also mean a birthday for the twins. I remember last year the first day of school. I was timing contractions in the parking lot waiting for Trevor to get out. I was so excited and scared. Rylan still hadn't begun preschool and wouldn't for two more days. So needless to say, I missed my baby going to his first day of preschool. I was told he was cute as a button, and so proud. I cannot believe the twins will be turning one in a month. Where does the time go?

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Yesterday the boys went to a Greensboro Grasshopper's baseball game with Papaw and Daddy. Unfortunately the Hoppers lost, even so, the boys had a great time. The ZooperStars, some cute costumed characters like Clammy Sosa and Barak OLama were there to entertain. According to Rodney it was very cute. The over sized clam ate a little girl and spit out her shoes as part of the skit. Well, Rylan was very scared and afraid the clam would come and eat him too and he wanted to leave. Even this morning when we were watching the video Rodney made, he was a little skittish. I thought it was very innocent. Saturday games also have fireworks. Trevor can not stand fireworks. We never stay to watch the spectacular shows. Trevor was feeling really brave on this particular night and so they stayed. The even got really cool glasses that made the fireworks even more dazzling. I hate I wasn't there, but I have to work when I can now since the census in the NICU is so low. While that is a wonderful thing for families, it kind of stinks, as that is my JOB. Tonight I was made to take 12 hours of on call, so I am going to enjoy a peaceful evening with the family and try not to worry about my next paycheck. Until next time....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trevor's Shiner

Last night, after dinner, I shuffled all the big boys out the door heading to baseball practice. Everyone was pumped for some time to play ball. I was taking the twins to Nana's house and then going to go stamp peacefully at a friends house. Little did I know what was about to happen. As I was pulling out of Nana's driveway my husband pulls up with the boys. I rolled down my window to ask what was going on only to see my baby in the backseat crying. Then it hit me! "Oh my goodness, Trevor, what happened to your eye?" I shouted as I hopped out of the van. Maybe I overreacted a little, because he started to cry harder. Isn't that what mommies do? Overreact sometimes. I couldn't help myself, my baby looked like someone beat him with a bat. Actually it had been a ball!! I took a deep breath because I realized I probably wasn't helping the situation, and I calmly asked what happened. As Trevor told me what happened, I wiped away a tear from his good eye and gave him a kiss. I told him I loved him and everything was going to be ok. Then I got down out of the truck and they pulled off. I worried about him all night. I even called Rodney to make sure he had put ice on it. DUH!! Rodney grew up getting hit by baseballs. When I had gotten home from stamping, all the children were already fast asleep, but I had to go check on my little guy. His eye was so swollen!!! Rodney had taken a picture before bed so I could see the before shot, before it turns his whole right side of his face blue. He warned me that tomorrow it would look really bad. Boy was he right...

Trevor the night of his accident

Trevor the evening after his accident
We went to see the pediatrician this afternoon to see if we needed to do anything xrays. After he checked Trevor's neurological status, which was a.o.k., he referred us to the pediatric eye doc to see if there was any internal eye damage. I think Trevor really enjoyed going to see the eye doctor. He thought all of the gadgets he used were "cool inventions." As it turns out Trevor is two times more farsighted in his right eye than his left. Farsightedness must run in the family since I am and Corbin has an appointment next week to see if his has corrected. Anyhow, because Trevor can see so well out of the left eye, the doc thinks Trevor's vision can be corrected by using a patch. We will have to see I guess. He has a followup appointment in two weeks. I will post about that later. By the way, the green and red hair was for church. It was crazy hair night at AWANAS.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sick Children. Will it ever end?

The past few weeks have been very difficult at our house. It started out when Trevor came down with strep throat the week of Rylan's birthday and party. I felt so bad for Trevor, but I was really worried for Rylan. I didn't want him to be sick and have to cancel his party with his little friends. Trevor missed two days of school, and Rylan made it thru the week to his party without so much as a tear. Then Sunday night rolled around and it all broke loose at our house. Rylan's fevers started then. Fever, aches, chills, and sad little eyes. It broke my heart. Monday he went to the doctor and strep test was negative. I just new strep was the culprit since brother had so recently had it. I was baffled. Rodney was next; fever, aches, and chills. Daddy was home from work too (poor Mommy). All the while, Rylan remained sick. Wednesday Trevor spiked a temp of 105.7 and he was out of school and pitiful. Rylan was still having fevers, and the twins had their well child check up. I think that is funny. Well child, what is that? The pediatrician checked out everyone, ears and throats were clear, however fevers were soaring and little eyes were sad. I tried so hard to protect the twins. I found myself saying "get out of her/his face" a hundred times a day. By Friday, when both Trevor and Rylan were still having fevers it was time to visit the doctors office for the third time that week. Strep cultures were negative, flu cultures were positive. Oh my goodness. I was tired. The twins were started on tamiflu and mommy was off to work. As fate would have it, the weekend was wonderful. I am off at work, Rodney has the kids, and there are no fevers just smiles and lots of pent up energy. Monday rolls back around and now Corbin has a fever. He is so sad. He has this low pitiful whine going on. As I was giving Corbin his bath tonight I began to cry and just started to pray for strength for me and healing for my family. I found myself being thankful for the flu and grateful my children were not suffering from cancer, diabetes, or some other awful disease. I think the self pity I had about being stuck at home caring for sick children week after week turned into thankfulness that I have four beautiful children and wonderful husband who need me. On a lighter note. Here are some pictures from Rylan's birthday party, where everyone was feeling good.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stamp A Stack

As you know I have recently undertaken a new hobby; stamping. Mostly, I am making cards. I am enjoying it so much. I have a great teacher (thanks Donna)! There is a learning curve, that is for sure, because sometimes I struggle. For the most part, I am really having fun. I find it relaxing to sit and create beautiful cards that I know others will enjoy. My goal is to never again have to buy a card. I want to be able to make and give personalized cards, cards that are made with love. Tuesday night I had the opportunity to get together with some wonderful women to do some stamping. I was thankful to get out of my house filled with little sick people and just get down to it with people who enjoy stamping as much as I now do. I made five new cards in two hours. That is pretty good. I will have to say, Donna had all the paper cut. All we had to do was punch, stamp, and put together. People have told me that I should sell my cards, but I don't think I will go that route. That means pressure and I have enough pressure on me, I don't need to go creating more. The only thing I want to create is beautiful cards. Check it out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well, today I finally accomplished something!! I have a background I love! Now I need to work on colors of fonts and other little gadgets. Wish me luck on my new adventure. Until the next time...