Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finally A Post!

OK, OK, so I have practically been threatened to post to my blog. I have to admit, it has been a long time. So here is a little note to suffice my dear friend! The summer has flown by! I can't believe the boys will be returning to school in a month. While I am glad they will be going, it is sad that the years just keep flying by. The beginning of school also mean a birthday for the twins. I remember last year the first day of school. I was timing contractions in the parking lot waiting for Trevor to get out. I was so excited and scared. Rylan still hadn't begun preschool and wouldn't for two more days. So needless to say, I missed my baby going to his first day of preschool. I was told he was cute as a button, and so proud. I cannot believe the twins will be turning one in a month. Where does the time go?