Monday, March 29, 2010

Sick Children. Will it ever end?

The past few weeks have been very difficult at our house. It started out when Trevor came down with strep throat the week of Rylan's birthday and party. I felt so bad for Trevor, but I was really worried for Rylan. I didn't want him to be sick and have to cancel his party with his little friends. Trevor missed two days of school, and Rylan made it thru the week to his party without so much as a tear. Then Sunday night rolled around and it all broke loose at our house. Rylan's fevers started then. Fever, aches, chills, and sad little eyes. It broke my heart. Monday he went to the doctor and strep test was negative. I just new strep was the culprit since brother had so recently had it. I was baffled. Rodney was next; fever, aches, and chills. Daddy was home from work too (poor Mommy). All the while, Rylan remained sick. Wednesday Trevor spiked a temp of 105.7 and he was out of school and pitiful. Rylan was still having fevers, and the twins had their well child check up. I think that is funny. Well child, what is that? The pediatrician checked out everyone, ears and throats were clear, however fevers were soaring and little eyes were sad. I tried so hard to protect the twins. I found myself saying "get out of her/his face" a hundred times a day. By Friday, when both Trevor and Rylan were still having fevers it was time to visit the doctors office for the third time that week. Strep cultures were negative, flu cultures were positive. Oh my goodness. I was tired. The twins were started on tamiflu and mommy was off to work. As fate would have it, the weekend was wonderful. I am off at work, Rodney has the kids, and there are no fevers just smiles and lots of pent up energy. Monday rolls back around and now Corbin has a fever. He is so sad. He has this low pitiful whine going on. As I was giving Corbin his bath tonight I began to cry and just started to pray for strength for me and healing for my family. I found myself being thankful for the flu and grateful my children were not suffering from cancer, diabetes, or some other awful disease. I think the self pity I had about being stuck at home caring for sick children week after week turned into thankfulness that I have four beautiful children and wonderful husband who need me. On a lighter note. Here are some pictures from Rylan's birthday party, where everyone was feeling good.